What do I need to run WsgiDAV?

See Installation for details.

Which web servers are supported?

WsgiDAV comes with a standalone server, to run out of the box. There is also built-in support for cheroot, ext-wsgiutils, gevent, gunicorn, paste, uvicorn, and wsgiref.

See Configuration for details.

Which configuration do you recommend?

Currently Cherroot seems to be very robust. Also installing lxml is recommended.

But since servers are improved over time, please provide feedback on your experience.

Which WebDAV clients are supported?

Basically all WebDAV clients on all platforms, though some of them show odd behaviors.

See WebDAV Clients for details.

I found a bug, what should I do?

First, check the issue list, if this is a known bug. If not, open a new issue and provide detailed information how to reproduce it.

Then fix it and send me the patch ;-)

How do you pronounce WsgiDAV?

Don’t care really, but I would say ‘Whiskey Dove’.