
This document gives a brief introduction to the WsgiDAV application package (targeted to developers).

WSGI Application Stack

WsgiDAV is a WSGI application.

WSGI stands for Web Server Gateway Interface, a proposed standard interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks, to promote web application portability across a variety of web servers. If you are unfamiliar with WSGI, do take a moment to read the PEP.

As most WSGI applications, WsgiDAV consists of middleware which serve as pre-filters and post-processors, and the actual application.

WsgiDAV implements this WSGI application stack:

<Server> -> wsgidav_app.WsgiDavApp (container)
             +-> debug_filter.WsgiDavDebugFilter (middleware, optional)
                 error_printer.ErrorPrinter (middleware)
                 http_authenticator.HTTPAuthenticator (middleware)
                   |           \- Uses a domain controller object
                 dir_browser.WsgiDavDirBrowser (middleware, optional)
                 request_resolver.RequestResolver (middleware)
                   *-> request_server.RequestServer (application)
                               \- Uses a DAVProvider object
                                   \- Uses a lock manager object
                                      and  a property  manager object


This is the default stack. Middleware applications and order can be configured using middleware_stack option. You can write your own or extend existing middleware and place it on middleware stack.

See the following sections for details.

Building Blocks

DAV Providers

Inheritance diagram of wsgidav.dav_provider, wsgidav.fs_dav_provider

DAV providers are abstractions layers that are used by the RequestServer to access and manipulate DAV resources.

All DAV providers must implement a common interface. This is usually done by deriving from the abstract base class DAVProvider.

WsgiDAV comes with a DAV provider for file systems, called FilesystemProvider. That is why WsgiDAV is a WebDAV file server out-of-the-box.

There are also a few other modules that may serve as examples on how to plug-in your own custom DAV providers (see also Writing Custom Providers).

Property Managers

Inheritance diagram of wsgidav.prop_man.property_manager

DAV providers may use a property manager to support persistence for dead properties.

WsgiDAV comes with two default implementations, one based on a in-memory dictionary, and a persistent one based on shelve:


PropertyManager is used by default, but ShelvePropertyManager can be enabled by uncommenting two lines in the configuration file.

In addition, this may be replaced by a custom version, as long as the required interface is implemented.

Lock Managers

Inheritance diagram of wsgidav.lock_man.lock_manager, wsgidav.lock_man.lock_storage

DAV providers have a LockManager to support exclusive and shared write locking. The lock manager uses a lock storage implementation for persistence.

WsgiDAV comes with two default implementations, one based on a in-memory dictionary, and a persistent one based on shelve:


LockStorageDict is used by default, but LockStorageShelve can be enabled by uncommenting two lines in the configuration file.

In addition, this may be replaced by a custom version, as long as the required interface is implemented.

Domain Controllers

Inheritance diagram of wsgidav.http_authenticator, wsgidav.dc.simple_dc, wsgidav.dc.pam_dc, wsgidav.dc.nt_dc

A domain controller provides user/password checking for a realm to the HTTPAuthenticator.

WsgiDAV comes with a default implementation that reads a user/password list from the config file.

However, this may be replaced by a custom version, as long as the required interface is implemented.

wsgidav.dc.nt_dc is an example for such an extension.


Default implementation of a domain controller as used by HTTPAuthenticator.


Inheritance diagram of, wsgidav.dir_browser,,, wsgidav.dav_error, wsgidav.error_printer, wsgidav.http_authenticator, wsgidav.rw_lock, wsgidav.wsgidav_app, wsgidav.request_server, wsgidav.request_resolver



Middleware Respond to CORS preflight OPTIONS request and inject CORS headers.

On init:

Store CORS preferences and prepare header lists.

For every request:

Add CORS headers to responses.


Middleware wsgidav.error_printer.ErrorPrinter. Handle DAV exceptions and internal errors.

On init:

Store error handling preferences.

For every request:

Pass the request to the next middleware. If a DAV exception occurs, log info, then pass it on. Internal exceptions are converted to HTTP_INTERNAL_ERRORs.


Middleware wsgidav.http_authenticator.HTTPAuthenticator. Uses a domain controller to establish HTTP authentication.

On init:

Store the domain controller object that is used for authentication.

For every request:

if authentication is required and user is not logged in: return authentication response.

Else set these values:



Middleware wsgidav.dir_browser._dir_browser.WsgiDavDirBrowser. Handles GET requests on collections to display a HTML directory listing.

On init:

For every request:

If path maps to a collection:

Render collection members as directory (HTML table).


Middleware wsgidav.request_resolver.RequestResolver. Must be configured as last in middleware_stack config option. Find the mapped DAV-Provider, create a new RequestServer instance, and dispatch the request.

On init:

Store URL-to-DAV-Provider mapping.

For every request:

Setup environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] to request realm and and environ["PATH_INFO"] to resource path.

Then find the registered DAV-Provider for this realm, create a new RequestServer instance, and pass the request to it.

Note: The OPTIONS method for ‘*’ is handled directly.



Application wsgidav.request_server.RequestServer. Handles one single WebDAV request.

On init:

Store a reference to the DAV-Provider object.

For every request:

Handle one single WebDAV method (PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, LOCK, …) using a DAV-Provider instance. Then return the response body or raise an DAVError.

Note: this object only handles one single request.